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Highland Park Thor
Kilde: The Whisky Shop
Link: www.whiskyshop.com/Shop/Highland ... D3291.aspx
Pris - 120 £
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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Highland Park Thor
Highland Park have announced the first of their new Valhalla series "“ Thor "“ a 16yo bottled at 52.1% in a fancy wooden case.
This is the first in a series of 4 bottlings over the next 3 years with the number released being lower for each bottling.
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- Springbank21
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Bare den nu smager godt.
Kunne man forstille sig at den ville blive dyre og dyre den serie....det tror jeg nok.... ØV.
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Med 20.000 flasker skulle selv ikke-samlere have mulighed for at smage...
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- JimTaggart
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Der er vist ingen tvivl om, at de enkelte flasker fra serien bliver samlerobjekter, der med tiden stiger i værdi. Har hørt rygter om, at én af de kommende udgivelser bliver en 13 års "Loke", og mon ikke Freja og Odin also will join the partyKunne man forstille sig at den ville blive dyre og dyre den serie....det tror jeg nok.... ØV.

Venlig hilsen
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- JimTaggart
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Venlig hilsen
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Det er deres valg. Det er ikke tilfældigt jeg ikke har nogle HP i min beholdning. Deres whiskier er enten for nedvandede for min smag, eller for dyre og overpackaged. Jeg syntes at HP er et fint distilleri, der desværre bare har en forkert ledelse. Heldigvis er der meget mere whisky på markedet jeg har lyst til at købe end jeg har råd til, og nogen gange er det rart når det supernemt at fravælge

Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Lidt ærgeligt for os entusiaster, men så er det heldigt at der findes så mange gode alternativer i form af uafhængige aftappere.
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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Rich amber, with an iron ore glow
Concentrated and forceful, with an explosion of aromatic smoke, pungent fresh ginger, antique copper, stewed plums, and golden syrup. With water, earthy notes emerge, like a garden after a heavy rain shower.
Thor's high strength grabs the palate and refuses to let go. Initially dry, with fiery gingerbread then vanilla, blackberries, fresh mango, peach and hints of cinnamon. As its big flavours swirl around the mouth, some softer, sweeter notes develop, giving Thor and unexpected layer of complexity and depth.
The finish thunders on, leaving behind lingering notes of sweet vanilla and an intense spiciness.
So many malts - so little time...
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Fighting against Thor
Sorry about that crappy title but there's this brand new Highland Park ‘Thor' that's packaged in some kind of drakkar (longship) and comes with heavy Viking/Norse references. I'm not too sure this kind of paraphernalia appeals much to us Latin people (we never drank our Chambertin from the skulls of our enemies) but after all, what counts is what's inside the bottle. Let's check that"¦
Highland Park 16 yo 'Thor' (52.1%, OB, Valhalla Collection, 23,000 bottles, 2012) Four stars and a half Colour: gold. Nose: starts rather on red berries and discreet whiffs of rubber bands, before it gets rather more mineral, flinty, quite smoky (rather coal than peat) and then more and more herbal, earthy and spicy. In short, it seems that it's not one of these lush, rounded and honeyed HPs (although there is a little honey), it reminds me of one of the Ambassador's Casks but I can't remember which one"¦ Then more butterscotch, caramel and something slightly metallic. With water: the earthiness stands out and the rubber has vanished, completely. Farmyard, slightly gamy, ham, Havana cigar (very obvious) "¦ It swims very well, the nose really became wonderful with water.
Mouth (neat): quite punchy and rather more ‘classic HP' now, with quite some honey, toffee, caramel, soft gingerbread (the one with a lot of honey) and a very faint saltiness. Develops more on pepper, ginger, nutmeg and liquorice, with always a discreet smokiness in the background. Creamy mouth feel. With water: once again, water makes wonders, even if a few drying tannins woke up. Perfect hard liquorice. Excellent, did they dump some salmiak into the vatting to make it even more ‘Norse'? Finish: long, with the liquorice still loud and clear. A little cumin and bitter oranges in the aftertaste. Comments: this little Viking never stopped improving, from the first sniffs to the aftertaste "“ and it swims extremely well. Not 90 in my book but certainly 89+++, should I use plusses like Standard & Poor's

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1.295 SEK i Systembolaget (1.083 DKK)
Og nu 200 € i Holland (1.500 DKK)
Pris i Danmark?
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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- whiskydepotet
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Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Fin fyldig dram. Jeg faldt især over honningnoterne.
Den var kraftig uden at være overvældende.
I min bog ligger den ca. på 85p på den obligatoriske 100-skala.
Det værste ved den er nok den hysteriske pris. Men det har vi jo allerede tærsket langhalm over.
Til 500-600kr. ville jeg overveje et køb. Men jeg interesserer mig selvfølgelig heller ikke for snedkeri...
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"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Arve M Lervik
Norsk MaltWhisky Lag
> Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur <
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